Monday, 28 June 2010

Oh dear!

Well they've all been in the back of my car last night, the whole spectrum. The flag drapped, xenophobic, sweating, overweight bigot who couldn't kick a habit, let alone a football, mouthing obscenties and bile in every alcohol fuelled, spray accompanied word ("thats a fiver mate" now piss off). All the way to the terminally disinterested some 5 hours or so after the game "Oh did we lose?".
There was a bit of considered converstaion with those who hadn't drowned their sorrows completely but were only going down for the first time, surprisingly little 'we were cheated' due to the goal that wasn't given though.
Most of it centred around the overpaid, over pampered couldn't give a toss theme but I don't think it's that simple.

We have, by common agreement, pretty well the best league in the world but we have that because we have a great number of foreign players playing here.
Our problem exists at a grassroots level. My son played in a kids football team for years up until about three years ago and you get sick of hearing well meaning Dads who manage a team but have no coaching qualification screaming things like "get rid of it" and "your out of position". Obviously working out their own frustrations or previous failures on a bunch of 10 year olds.
They're still young, sod position and get rid of it. Play with it, if your not starting to learn that at 10 when are you going to learn it and as for insisting that they play on a full sized pitch at such a young age! Words fail me.
I've seen more than enough stressed out 10 and 11 year olds, because they, can't get a game, get subbed off, the managers screaming at them or just as often their Dad, with the same language they'd use at the club they support.

We all had a laugh at the nutter Maradonna before the World Cup playing half the population of Argentina in the run up and only just qualifying but they are playing with freedom and enjoying themselves. Did anyone see any of our players, in any of the four matches, so much as smile. Thats all just a starting point and this is only a blog post not a book.
It is frankly ludicrous though that you watch a replay of a goal that was a full yard over the line from half a dozen different angles within seconds of the incident and you can't see a huge swathe of grass behind the net as it's lined with cameras from the worlds press. Yet up in the stands is Septic Bladder, a cross between Canute and Nelson, trying not to squirm as the worlds accusing eye focuses on him.

Expect a few sackings, lots of finger pointing, but essentially no change for the Euros.

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