Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Here we go again

I'm trying to get enthuiastic, really I am but so far everytime a presenter or pundit on TV or radio says "World Cup" my response is, for an Englishman, typically Gallic. A shrug of the shoulders and that little expiration through an Elvis shaped mouth denoting why are you even bothering me with that.
I should be champing at the bit not being able to wait to get started and stick it to Johnny Foreigner. Being able to teach all those diving, cheating Argies a lesson, run rings round the pouting, arrogant Spanish or Portugese and don't even get me started on the Germans.
But it's not like that now. Football, more than any other sport, now has increasingly invisible national borders. Club loyalties are still as passionate, maybe even more so. Probably one of the players you would hold up as an example to any child, not just of how to play and behave on the pitch but how to speak and react to the outside world even when being provoked or questioned by obvious idiots is a Spaniard, Cesc Fabregas.
Yes I'm biased, I'm an Arsenal fan, but I can't recall ever having had a discussion with a supporter of any other team that had something bad to say about the guy. There are others, I'm sure you can put forward suggestions from your own teams. We are now exposed to players of all nationalities on a much more intimate basis than ever before. When England won it back in 1966 the only time we ever saw these other players was during the much less frequent European matches or Internationals. Our idols were Moore, Charlton, Hurst etc as they were all we saw or heard from on a regular basis.
My point though is am I liable to be cheering uncontrollably if the unlikely happens and England win it and the likes of John Terry and Ashley Cole are prancing around with smug smiles and winners medals. Or will I have a large satisfied look on my face if Cesc is on my screen wearing a winners medal.
I must admit to feeling ever so slightly more patriotic now the season has ended but only slightly.

So while we're singing Jerusalem I'm afraid I'll only be waving a very small cross of St George, that well know Roman soldier/priest.

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