Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Now where was I?

I've not been here for nearly a year?
I had a note from me Mum but the dog ate it, honest.
No excuses just loads of other inconvienient stuff to do like work and all writing exploits directed to, well learning to write better'n wot I did before.
An ongoing process which may well result in another blog at some stage, hopefully sooner than later.

I've resisted for some time now but it looks like I'll have to join the merry throng on Twitter. Just about every program on TV or radio not only trails their Twitter and Facebook address but constantly quotes anyone and whoever on Twitter as a news source. The Arab spring and Ozzy Bin Lid meeting his deserved end to the Tweeted announcement of helicopters overhead from from a guy who ironically had moved to the area for a bit of peace and quiet being cases in point. To say I've resisted for ages is somewhat of an exaggeration I actually opened a Twitter account in 2008 but at the time it was just another oddity amongst many others.
With the hacking scandal I think we may now be looking if not at the death of the news media in print then certainly at a serious moving of the goal posts. In a world where you can get the direct information even before the papers who is going to wait 24 hours for some hack to chew it up and spit out his own biased version once the presses have rolled. If you want longer than 140 characters then many of those who Tweet also blog (who me?), not least the very reporters working for the print media.

The Times they are a charging if you want to see their online product. Somehow in this case I think Mudrock will have as much success as Canute would holding back the Japanese Tsunami.

Whilst driving the other night in the pouring rain I was listening to the extensive reports on the resignation of the Met chief Paul Stephenson and his unsubtle swipe at Cameron who, just possibly, may now be at risk.
I had one lingering image in my mind that I couldn't shift.
Brad and Janet driving towards Frank N Furters mansion with the Nixon 'No whitewash in the Whitehouse' speech playing on the radio.

Johnny Marbles pies (foams) Mudrock! You couldn't script it better if you tried.
How many others are going to have their faces in a mess once this massive game of Kerplunk finishes.

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